a5c7b9f00b Jimmy Neutron is a boy genius and way ahead of his friends, but when it comes to being cool, he&#39;s a little behind. All until one day when his parents, and parents all over Earth are kidnapped by aliens, it&#39;s up to him to lead all the children of the world to rescue their parents. An eight year-old boy genius and his friends must rescue their parents after the adults are abducted by aliens. I remember back in January 2002, when I saw the previews for &quot;Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius&quot; and it looked very good! I waited eight months and finally saw the movie, and I was so disappointed…<br/><br/>The characters are some of the stupidest ever. Carl was fat, stupid and ugly and worships llamas (what the…?) and Sheen is mentally disturbed and worships his toys and treats themgods, and of course Jimmy&#39;s the so called &quot;boy genius&quot;. (If he&#39;s such a genius, why didn&#39;t he just use his Hypno Beam seen in the short &quot;Ultra Lord Versus The Squirrels&quot; to hypnotize the Yolkeans or whatever the aliens were called?) And Jimmy&#39;s dad is stupid, and is a HUGE ripoff of Mr. Turner from &quot;The Fairly Oddparents&quot; (which I also pretty much hate). Miss Fowl is an ugly crow-faced screeching old hag. In fact, I&#39;ll now call her Crow Face.<br/><br/>Anyway, the plot is funny in a stupid way. The parents of the kids are kidnapped by aliens and are being fed to a giant three-eyed chicken thing(?). Plus, the animation is awfulwell. They have the entire bit of Jimmy&#39;s hair into one little piece of animation, with no detail whatsoever. The movie was just too episodic, meaning it seemed like a long episode of a TV show. As I had thought, there WAS a TV show made on it. Oh no. Did the plot of it have to be so similar to that of &quot;Dexter&#39;s Labrotary&quot;?<br/><br/>The TV show is a slight improvement from the movie, with the same stupid characters I know and hate. &quot;When Pants Attack&quot; rivals any episode of &quot;Super Duper Sumos&quot;the worst episode of a show ever. Honestly, hasn&#39;t Nick learned anything from &quot;it&#39;s&quot; awful CG cartoon &quot;Butt-Ugly Martians&quot;? I&#39;m just saying, Nickelodeon, stop making CG cartoons!!! They&#39;re awful!!! JN is a slight improvement over BUM. This movie should go on an episode of &quot;Mystery Science Theater 3000&quot; or something. Now THAT would be good!<br/><br/>This loser gets a 3/10. Jimmy neutron was the best movie Iv seen this year. It wasnt compleatly overdone like Monsters INC. or shrek and had a good plotline. The animation was just wonderfulwell and the characters were so cute! I give it 20/10! A thoroughly entertaining animated comedy that's sweet enough for the youngest moviegoers, and smart enough for the most cynical chaperone. It takes place before The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. tamil movie Unbelief free downloadDownload hindi movie Above the WarRobbery Under Arms full movie in hindi free download hd 1080pParrot Unit full movie 720p downloadThe Wedding: Part 1 download torrentAbismo movie in hindi hd free downloadBad Boys II movie downloadThe Electric CityDownload Dead Drop full movie in hindi dubbed in Mp4Episode 3.4 full movie with english subtitles online download
kicktertroben Admin replied
337 weeks ago